
WarholCon Primer

WarholCon, abbreviation of "Andy Warhol Convention", is a periodic flashmob-style street-theatrical happening in which participants dress themselves, their children, pets, and accessories, as Andy Warhol or quintessential Warhol iconography, then roam the streets attending various events, and/or partaking of ad-hoc antics. It typically occurs during Fashion Week in mid-September, and is free and open to the public; however some planned events may require pre-registration. The event has no prescribed purpose or goal, and can be considered nonsense street theatre--even performance art--for its own sake.



"Starving" artist and frontman of the Mandyland artists exchange Mandy Cat Kitana has been having to cut back on antics for financial reasons. So we took a collection and got her something to take the edge off...