
The Ice Ball - Primer

The Ice Ball is a guerrilla ball--the original, in fact--wherein participants "attend" by dressing up and skating around on a public ice rink, (such as the one at Bryant Park, NYC) looking and acting as though at a ball.

Most important to participation is one's attire. It is in effect what defines the ball, and differentiates ball attendees from other people who came to ice skate on a public rink during regular business hours.

The inability to ice skate--or indeed the refrain therefrom--even, is no disqualification of attendance.

The dresscode of the Ice Ball is a new protocol known as Impressionist Formal, or Imformal. It requires attire and accessories that project the impression of formality to the public eye, or incorporates exuberance derived from traditional formal dress.

While it is enough to come dressed to the sartorial hilt and appear to be at a ball, one might also act as though at a ball; such as dancing. Specifically the ViennIce Waltz, a simple partnered twirling move that mimics the appearance of the Viennese Waltz--a favorite of formal balls everywhere.

Attending the Ice Ball (or any other such event) makes one instantly eligible for the Simulacrum of Yore Society. (The other requirement is one's self-declaration of membership.)

To teach and practice this Ze Feuer Fellowes conduct ad-hoc coaching and practice sessions over the winter at Bryant Park (NYC.) They are customarily on a weekday (before Thursday) either from 6 - 7:30 PM, or 8 - 9:30 PM. See the events of the Unexplained Bacon Facebook group for scheduling: https://www.facebook.com/groups/302243449785887/events/

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